I have been wanting to write a post / blog about cardio exercise and trading for a long time.
They have nothing to do with each other, but again in combination they are the best thing ever ..., tried !! Can’t go one without an other ;)
About ten years ago I traded on forex, which gave me a lot of experience and knowledge about trading and thinned my account! :)
The best thing you can do in a world of stress, high frequencies and oscillations is to calm your mind and body.
And the best recipe for that is CARDIO TRAINING, jogg, bike, swimm..etc etc..you have to clear your mind. Last thing you need i to fall apart emotionally and physically..
Everyone needs peace and tranquility, and trading offers everything but that. So get out of your apartment / room and go out for exercise, to clear your mind and move your body, your balance will be grateful to you :) I especially like to run 7-10 miles every mourning and then start the day relaxed and ready for new tasks..
Well, i'm a runner, for me it's easy!
The world of markets and trading is terrible, and you need to know how to control your instincts and emotions for successful trading..this is my little advice for beginners!
Try-you wont regret it :-))
Caution first of all..and good luck!